
blog hopWhat does gratitude look like in your house? Is it where you show grace to each other and train up your children and learn from your mistakes or is it that the children feel they are entitled to everything be given to them.

Gratitude in our house looks like this: We are grateful for the blessings that we receive, but it goes beyond that. This Christmas Cameron and I and his aide baked cookies and with that we showed Cameron that to show grace and thankfulness is by giving to others. So when the cookies were baked, he took some over to our local Fire Dept and also our friends business. He did that because at times we get so busy we forget about what others have done for us and what they are doing in their own lives even if it is a job.

Technology is one that is a struggle in our house whether its being on the computer or video games that we forget what is what like when there was no technology. My children feel they are entitled at any time to just get on and play their favorite video game Madden they don’t care sometimes that as a mother a no is a no. Just like chores why is it a struggle to take the trash out or just do the simple chores. Those are things that need to change in our household as we are raising our kids.

I am on the launch team for the book Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitlement World by Kristen Welch and let me just say it is a must read this book not only convicted me but also kicked me in the shins a few times. With us raising two special needs children that have Autism, we aren’t raising them to be spoiled brats but to raise them to know they aren’t entitled to everything . They know that with technology comes along temptations and honestly I was one of those parents back in the day that didn’t monitor what my son was doing on the internet, I thought there is no way he is going to go to a site he isn’t supposed to. Well I was wrong!!!

In the book Kristen mentions about doing a family mission statement. Do you have one in your own home, or what would it look like if you did have one?  This is one goal in the new year that I want to establish in our home. like “I’m excited to be hosting a blog hop all about gratitude, inspired by Raising Grateful Kids…”).



Inspiring an Attitude of Gratitude – by Alison
Rasisng Grateful Kids – by amanda
Why You Can’t Buy Gratitude At The Dollar Store – by Andrea
Missing – Gratefulness in our home – by Ange
Choosing Gratitude – by Angela
Gratefullness – by chaley
5 Steps to Gratitude-Fille Family – by Christa
Practicing Grateful Parenting – by Dana
Sing a Song – by Hannah
Cultivating gratitude in our family – by Jamie
Gratefulness In Our Home – by Jana
Gratefulness In Our Home – by Jana
Let It Begin With Me – by Jen
Choosing Gratefulness – by Jennifer
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World – The Book – by jeri
Eradicating Entitlement – What are you rooted in? – by Jessica
Gratefulness in our home – by Kate
The Problem With Entitlement is that it begins with us – by Katelyn
7 Unusual Ways I Know How to Be Grateful – by Kathryn
Raising Grateful Kids – by Keri
How My Children Remind Me to Pray with Gratitude – by Kishona
Grateful – by Kristy
Entitlement: The Ugly Truth of a Beautiful Lie – by Leigha
The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Raise Grateful Kids – by Lindsey
Dear Son: How Do I Teach You To Be Grateful Without Guilt? – by Marie Osborne
Gratitude, A Practical Definition – by Mia
Cultivating Gratitude in Our Home – by Nancy
Learning Gratitude through Chronic Illness – by Rachel
Being Grateful – by Rebecca
I’ve Found Something I Can’t Live Without – by Sarah
The Power of Naming our Gifts – by Sarah
Outfitted – by Sarah Jo
Growing Gratitude in our Family – by Sondra
Teaching Gratefulness – by Stephanie
How Grateful Looks From Here – by Alison
Fighting Entitlement in Children and All of us – by Leah
Entitlement Problem – by Karrie
Grateful Today – by Krystal

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